Maggie Pierce

Maggie Pierce Life Coach
Explore BioField Tuning

Biofield Tuning is a therapeutic practice that involves the use of sound and the human biofield to promote healing and well-being. It was developed by Eileen Day McKusick, who combined her background in sound therapy, biofield science, and her experience as a researcher to create this modality.
The biofield refers to the energetic field that surrounds and permeates the human body. According to proponents of Biofield Tuning, disturbances or imbalances in the biofield can contribute to physical, emotional, and mental health issues. The practice aims to identify and address these imbalances by using specific tuning forks and working within the biofield.
During a Biofield Tuning session, a trained practitioner uses specialized tuning forks to produce specific frequencies and vibrations. The tuning forks are placed at different points in the client's biofield, or sometimes directly on the body, and activated to create resonance and balance within the energetic field.
The practitioner listens to the sounds produced by the tuning forks and observes any shifts or changes in the client's energy field. It is believed that this process can help identify and release energetic blockages, promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support overall well-being.
Biofield Tuning sessions are often done in person, but some practitioners, such as myself, also offer remote sessions. The number of sessions needed may vary depending on individual needs and goals.
Many individuals report positive experiences with Biofield Tuning and everyone's results are different.
Many individuals report positive experiences with Biofield Tuning and everyone's results are different. Read more about Maggie Pierce on her about me page.